Saturday, 14 September 2013

Still breathing :)

Blimey it's been nearly 2 months since I last posted. I guess that's because there are no dramas to report...I continue to wake up each morning, keep breathing etc, I have tons of hair! Yes I am very much still alive and (touch wood symptom free). I am back to 'normal'....except I am not, not at all....I am in a weird kind of limbo and it's rather unsettling to be honest, things feel complicated and I am feeling pretty anxious.

Hmmm I am not making much sense, let me try and explain. When death was certain I knew where I was, I came to terms with it, it was a given. Then there was the chance of cure and the stem cell transplant so that was a new and obviously amazing goal. But now, it sounds odd but there is no goal and the future is there (maybe? probably? is it?) but not tangible. I never asked what my odds were going in to the SCT, I didn't and don't want to know as I have said before I am either cured, or not- the odds are pretty much meaningless...the odds were in my favour to begin with when was first treated for Lymphoma, a small chance of relapse....I relapsed. Then later the odds were against me, I was terminal and now I am yeah odds schmods! 

I recently applied for a job, a step towards re establishing some sort of career in healthcare. I have a nice job in the cafe working 2 days a week, but I am feeling like if I don't get back in to something related to my 'field' I might never be able to. I met all the person specifications etc. I really struggled to complete the application as I am so very rusty, this made me sad and scared because this is the type of thing that I used to be able to do without even trying and now I felt like I could barely string a coherent sentence together. Anyway I didn't even get an interview, I am gutted, this is a massive knock. I have got every job I have ever applied for (oh actually there was one I didn't, I applied for an oncology nurse post ironically enough the year I was first diagnosed. I knew sweet F.A about cancer and chemo, I  blahed on in my application something about palliative care and dignified death; which in hind sight was utterly inappropriate). So anyway this is obviously a good learning experience and I need to spend some time on my CV and keep applying for jobs......but...

Here's the but, I don't want to get a full time job. I don't want to leave my dog everyday, I don't want the responsibility or the stress. And yet I do want a job where I can use my professional and personal experience and work to my potential. Also, I realised getting back on the career path is symbolic of believing I have a future, that I am back in the game....that I am going to live. But on the other hand, if I thought I wasn't going to live more than say a couple of years would I really want to spend that time working? Well no I wouldn't. Bloody hell I am soooo confused.

What's the answer? Maybe I should chill out and enjoy life and stop thinking and worrying about the future or lack of it. Perhaps I should just see this year out, get to my one year post transplant and think about it again then. Yep that sounds like a plan, thanks blog!

Thanks for listening xxxxxx

1 comment:

  1. Sim keep on trucking all any of us have is now so do what you want to do in the now. Would love to see you and Tilly if your passing any time.
