Check me out! back to work, oh yeah!! Just done my first shift at Bumble and Bee Cafe (What's that? New job? At my best mate's cafe? And working alongside my little brother? whatever!) Super cool day, soooooo busy but y'know baptism of fire and all that!
I am sooooo flipping grateful for my life! had an awesome day, eventually when we packed up we walked along the seafront, stunning, to the pub and sat overlooking the ocean with a glass of fizz, debriefed about the day whilst the kids ran wild :) sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
I am disease free, I am grateful, I am massively happy. FACT!!! Oh - and my mum is moving back to Exmouth, how civilised! It's all good!!! I definitely need to buy a lottery ticket!
Oh no - back at work tomorrow, bummer :/
Great News! Hope work/play is balanced, xx