Emracing one's own mortality can be rather liberating. I have cultivated a very F@#k it attitude, and a YES to life aproach. Most of the time this serves me well.....as I have mentioned I have a LOT of fun, I don't get stressed about small stuff (much), when suprised with a trip in a stunt plane I take a deep breath or two and FORCE my self to keep my eyes open :) I have an outrageous collection of Christmas lighting on my balcony, this might be my last Christmas... F@#k it!!!! However last week this afore mentioned attitude led me to be hauled to safety over the sea wall in Exmouth by two elderly gentlemen who had tried to convince me for some time I was in some danger from the incoming tide, and I was in fact cut off....any way all is well that ends well :) But today my foolhardiness has led to me being ginger, yeah yeah I 'll just dye my hair at home it'll be fine! NOT FINE!! Am ginger, which appears to be a gift that keeps on giving- I look even fatter, and like I have less hair than before! Hurrah!!!
Ah Fuck It!!!!